Thursday, September 6, 2012

Middle Man

Middle Man

I get called a Democrat because I constantly rip on the Republicans.  The reason I do so is because I used to be one.  The Republican Party is no longer your Father’s Republican Party though.  They are so far right that they fell off the edge of the flat Earth.  What about ripping on the Democrats you say?  Well, that would be the equivalent of the bullies making fun of Forrest Gump.  The first two years under Obama they had a majority in the Senate and all they did was fight among themselves.  They screwed up a free lunch.  Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…here I am stuck in the middle.

Now, the Democratic National Convention is in full swing.  I keep an eye on it but my interest wanes with the frustration over their inability to actually change our lives for the better.  Their posturing and presumptuousness is disheartening.  Last year Obama was the elitist from Harvard.  Now Romney is the Richie Rich who cannot relate with the common man.  The Republican Nation Convention was no better.  They must have gotten the word out to the camera crews.  They panned in on every woman attending, trying to prove they are not anti uterus.  Unfortunately all you really saw was the same old shades of gray.  Every single one of these women looked like a Leona Helmsley clone.  If you listened carefully you could here them chant, “We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes."

And the Republicans built it?  Hell…they didn’t even pay for it.  And build what anyway? President Obama referenced the roads and bridges that helped to build the businesses.  Well, he didn’t build them either.  Nor did he fix them or expand them for that matter.  Our infrastructure is crumbling and I have not seen a single thing done about it.  Both sides are ignoring the real root of the problem.  But what have I seen happen over these three plus years?  I have seen the DOW hit 13,000 and the S&P hit all time highs.  I have seen oil companies post record profits.  I have seen bailed out banks refuse to loan money.  I have seen credit card companies raise interest rates on existing balances.  If FOX News truly were fair and balanced, they would have noticed they have the best Republican President in years.  If President Obama is a Socialist, where is your money?  Did you get that check from Big Business yet?  I thought not.  Obama is coming for your guns?  Well, there are more guns out there than ever…and coming soon to a theater near you.

The Republican machine will win this election.  Obama offered us hope and change.  What we have seen is no hope for any change.  And that will keep the Obama supporters home on Election Day.  Democrats will say it was the Republican Congress that blocked his every attempt.  I say you had two years when the tables were turned and the Republicans were on the run.  They got up off the mat better than Rocky did in…well…any of the Rocky movies.  A lot of people blamed George W. Bush for all our ills, whether right or wrong.  One fact you can’t argue though…his eight years helped to drive a stake right, and left, down the middle of this country.  The proof is after W’s reign, and after 200 plus years of old Christian white guys named John, William, James and even George…we got a “Socialist” Black Man named Barack and a “Billionaire” Mormon named Mitt.  Didn’t see that divergence coming.

It is funny how the Republicans tell us that Obama has failed the nation.  Actually, it seems the only people he has failed are the ones who voted for him.  The ones who didn’t vote for him seem to get richer by the day...

As the middle class goes by way of the Pterodactyl.

1 comment:

  1. sigh....Amen,you sadly speak the truth. I was born and raised republican. My issues now are equality for all and a fair chance for all and no one seems to be offering that opportunity.
