Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Moment Please

The age old question…which came first?  The chicken or the egg?  This metaphoric query has been applied to many a thing.  Recently for me someone noticed my extensive Christmas ornament collection.  They also couldn’t help but notice the oversized tree in the foyer.  I was asked, did you buy the ornaments for the tree, or the tree for the ornaments?

As Christmas approaches, Christina points out to me that I am almost impossible to buy gifts for.  I agree.  During the year I will drop a “not so subtle” hint to help her out.  One item she knows she can always get me is a Christmas ornament, specifically Hallmark.  Since 1973, Hallmark has introduced more than 3,000 different Keepsakes Ornaments and more than 100 ornament series, groups of ornaments that share a specific theme.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, after college Christmas was not as celebrated an event at home as it used to be.  But when I was younger we would spend the day at my Grandmother’s house on my Step Dad’s side.  We would barely be digesting the Christmas Eve fish feast from the night before as we were soon over the river and through the woods right back to Grandmother’s house Christmas Day.  This time pasta was on the menu…along with pasta.  Did I mention we had pasta?  As time took its toll, these grand gatherings ceased.  Christmas would now consist of the immediate family staying at home.  This time dysfunction was on the menu…along with dysfunction. Did I mention we had dysfunction?  It really stemmed from one source.  The holiday turned into a bad sequel to Groundhog’s Day.  Each year was the same thing, the same fights.  Looking back I couldn’t distinguish one year from the next...except for one thing.

In 1992 my Mom started getting me a Hallmark ornament from the Star Trek Keepsake series.  Each Christmas season she would go on a quest to find that year’s offering.  You have to remember, Al Gore had not invented the Internet yet!  She chose the series with the ships…well, for obvious reasons.  But also she recalled how I liked the lighted ornaments that you can plug right into a strand of lights.  At the time, it was the only Hallmark ornament to feature these “Magic Lights”.  From 1992 until her last Christmas in 2001 she gave me this as my gift.   These ornaments became the only way to differentiate each Christmas we had.  Now, I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth.  And while I really loved these ornaments, and Mom loved giving them to me…you may recall I didn’t set up a tree during that time period.  The ornaments sat in their boxes, like a collector might keep them.  It wasn’t until 2005 that they finally came out and shined.  Every year they would get prominent spots on the tree.  A few weeks ago, as I was taking out all the Christmas items, I had to move boxes of old family photos.  I opened one of them, and to my surprise I found five more Star Trek ornaments!  I knew I got one each year…I guess I just never realized there were more stored somewhere else.  They had sat packed away with the photos since my Mother’s passing in 2002.  Seems I got one last gift from her this year.

In the mid 90’s Hallmark ornaments became pretty mainstream.   During that time, while Christmas shopping with whomever I was dating, we would always seem to wind up in a Hallmark store.  It was a popular destination.  While I knew I would be getting the yearly Star Trek one, I decided to purchase the new line of sports themed keepsakes…and of course, in Pittsburgh Steeler flavor.  From then on, each year, I would get a Steeler ornament from Hallmark.  Eventually I would get the one that the Steeler team puts out every year too.  Now, while I was still Scrooge Walsh, and not even having my own tree…it would seem buying ornaments was kind of useless.  Well, you might have noticed I like to collect things.  And these were Steeler “things”.  When I first started dating Christina I went with her to pick out a tree.  It was a beautiful six-foot fir, ready to be filled with ornaments.  As we placed the evergreen in her apartment I mentioned that I have all these Steeler ornaments I could place upon it.  She responded “Oh, No…I don’t want any Steeler ornaments on MY tree.”  Hmmmm…new girl, same “MY” tree tude.  Yeah, Christmas was a Humbug.  The following season we were still together.  This time, as we were setting up the tree, she asked if I would like to put my Steeler ornaments on it.  I said, “No, I don’t want to put Steeler ornaments on YOUR tree.”  Seeing it was stubborn sarcasm emanating from her comments the previous year, she rolled her eyes and didn’t ask again.  And she married me anyway… and now gets me the yearly Steeler Hallmark ornament.

Before we bought the house, Christina and I would travel more frequently.  As a memento, we would often pick up a Christmas ornament that dated our travels.  During one of these trips we ventured into a music club in St. Louis named Blueberry Hill.  Inside they had, for whatever reason, an extensive collection of Simpson items.  Among them were six awesome Christmas ornaments that depicted scenes from the show.  As a collector I had to have them.  I inquired if they had them for sale, or where I might purchase them.  No one seemed to know.  When I got home I perused the Internet to find these artifacts.  Success!  The site showed all six, and you would get 3 at a time in a shipment.  Perfect timing, we had two months until Christmas.  The first week of November the initial set arrived.  Upon closer inspection these ornaments where even better than I imagined.  Next month I got the other three to complete the set.  Awesome!  Christmas came and went.  January rolled around…and what was this?  Another package of three Simpsons ornaments arrived.  I thought it had to be a mistake.  But when I opened them they were a different series.  Hmmm, didn’t know they made 9 of these.  As the months progressed, 9 became 12, 12 became 15.  I would receive a monthly package for the next year and a half.  I now have SIXTY of them!  I am glad the ornament series did not run as long as the actual TV series.

We would continue to augment our ornament collection.  And Hallmark would be prominently featured.  From Rudolph to Peanuts.  From Trains to Planes.  The ornaments kept coming.

So now you have the answer.

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